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FORMS - Horse Events - Show Ring and Campdraft

All participants are required complete a Participant Risk Acknowledgement Waiver (ASC) and Horse Handling Waiver, these documents are available below. A horse health declaration will also need to be completed on the day of competition. Participants must also collect a competitor card at the ring entry on the day of competition. Once the participant has completed the necessary forms they will be issued with a coloured wrist band which they must wear at all times while competing. Competitors without a wrist band will not be permitted to compete. 

Torryburn Off The Track Series welcomes participants with off the track thoroughbreds to enter this class. To be eligible for this class the horse must be a registered thoroughbred and have raced or trialed. If you wish to enter this event please download and return the entry form to the Secretary prior to the show. Entries are to be made on the day via the ring office.

Important Information:

~ Horses age are to be calculated from 1st August.

~ Participants are required to produce their PIC number prior to entering the ring. 

~ Stallions and Colts may only compete where specifically permitted. Stallions and Colts must be ridden or handled by a person 17 years or over. 

~ Horses in specific breed classes must be registered with their respective breed societies and copies of registration must be available for presentation on request. 

~ Competitors in ring events are requested to be correctly attired and to have their horse ready to enter the marshalling area as and when directed by the stewards. Any competitors disregarding the directions and requests of the stewards will not be permitted to compete in events about to take place. 

FORMS - Stud and Commercial Cattle

Exhibitors in our stud beef cattle classes are required to submit an entry form before the closing date. Exhibitors should also submit the National Cattle Health Statement, as well as a general waiver which are included below. 

Junior Cattle Judges are also required to submit a Bulk Handling Individual/School Group form in addition to the forms named above.  

All stock must be registered with a breed society. 

Exhibitors who have more then five (5) head of stock will receive one FREE admission into the show. Please enquire with the Secretary for GDAS about this option. 

FORMS - General Entry - Vendor EOI, Pavillion, Goats, Poultry, Cavy and Rabbits

Gresford Show welcomes exhibitors to enter our various pavilion classes. They include a wide range of vegetables, fruits, cooking, art, and flower arranging. There are also lots of opportunities for our junior exhibitors to showcase their skills in art, woodwork, and cooking. 

Our Pavilion will be proudly displaying entries for; 

* Farm Produce

* Vegetables and Fruit 

* Jams, Jellies, and Pickles 

* Cooking

* Cut flowers, pot plants, flower arrangements and fancy work

* Art, Craft, Photography, Children's Work

* Guinea Pigs and Bunnies

* And a lot more...

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